An easy starting point for introverts who want to change career

One of the reasons I changed career was because full-time lecturing didn't suit my introvert personality.

+ my amazing colleagues
+ incredibly inspiring students
+ psychology as a subject 💙

- open-plan office
- 2-hour classes and a 16 hour contact week
- a workload that spilled over into evenings, weekends and "holidays"

There was little opportunity for down time or a balance between "people noise" and quiet: what many introverts need to function well.

I now only plunge into college life 2.5 days per week. The rest of the time I've the freedom to coach, write, and structure my business in a way that suits me. If the sun's shining when I wake up in the morning I can go for a walk instead of pulling out the laptop.

That's what I work with my career change clients to achieve. I want to help you work in a way that supports your well-being and allows you to make your best contribution or as Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, puts it, "a newfound sense of entitlement to be yourself".

Start your career change with this simple exercise that I've created in honour of World Introvert Day which was (quietly!) celebrated on Saturday, 2 January.

Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva

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