It’s nice to meet you
Whatever your profession, you’re here because you want to make a change: welcome!
You’re 10 or more years in the workplace. You’re a hard worker with a love of learning. Maybe you’re an introvert like me! You’ve done all the right things but something doesn’t feel right: the spark’s gone. Or perhaps a change in circumstances - a wake-up call - has made you re-evaluate how you spend your time.
let my experience help you
I’m mid-career: I’ve been a lecturer in psychology for 18 years. A few years ago, a period of ill-health shifted my perspective and helped me realise what was most important in my own life. I mastered my time management, established clearer boundaries, and found ways to do more of what I loved (and less of what I didn’t).
Once I saw what was possible, I wanted to help other professionals, especially those at mid-career, create a better quality of working life and a more meaningful, enjoyable career. I got an Accredited Diploma in Executive and Life Coaching and the QQI Level 6 Component Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics, went part-time and launched my own coaching business.
COACHD enables me to bring together everything I’ve learned about psychology, the science of behaviour, with professional coaching tools and techniques to provide a truly effective, evidence-driven approach to career change.
Let’s work together to create a better quality of working life and a more meaningful, enjoyable career for YOU: whatever that looks like, isn’t it time to make it happen?
Take a look at my coaching services and get in touch today - I look forward to hearing from you!