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What else can I do? Career change at 40 and beyond

You've Googled "career change at 40".
You've set up job alerts on your mobile.
But you're not really getting anywhere.

The jobs you're qualified for: meh, you're not really interested. The jobs you're interested in, you don’t really feel qualified for!

Join me and other like-minded individuals for an interactive (but introvert-friendly!) webinar that will:

  • Kick-start your career change.

  • Get you thinking about how to approach a career change.

  • Most importantly, introduce you to a simple, step-by-step approach to generating a list of career "possibilities" and then testing them.

"If you're stuck in a rut and want to see a way out, sign up for this webinar. Your eyes will be opened." Karen

"Treat yourself and don't miss out. Career changing is exciting and within reach especially with Nicola's guidance." Natasha